In this Bleach vs Naruto Tips and Tricks post, I'll list situations where your opponent is most vulnerable and provide recommendations on how to go about exploiting them. 1. When in the air : Whilst and opponent is airborne, it can't block attacks. It can still Sprint, Jump again, use Quiet Step, aerial SP Skill, or its regular attacks, but that does not help its vulnerability too much. 2. Right after missing you : If you manage to dodge an attack by your opponent, they'll be wide open for a very short time. Your job is to get to them immediate and strike them before they can recover. 3. While blocking : Blocking is all but useless in Bleach vs Naruto. There are three main ways to exploit a blocking opponent: - Continue hitting your opponent with your combo until it's Stamina depletes completely and becomes stunned. - Simply Grapple your opponent. An excellent idea since a grapple can't be blocked. Just move right up to your opponent and press...
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