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A Guide to Bleach vs Naruto Combo Types

We all know what combos are, but here's my own definition: A Combo is a damage dealing series of moves, commands, and/or key combinations which end with the opponent being knocked down.
The directional keys (WASD), Attack Key 'J', Skill Key 'U', Sprint Key 'L', Jump Key 'K', Summoning 'O', Quiet Step (S+L and  W+L), and SP Skills ('I', S+I and W+I) are the commands relevant to us here.


1. Basic Combos: Combos where the only keys used are the Directional Keys (WASD) alongside the Attack Key 'J', the Skill Key 'U', and occasionally the Sprint Key 'L' and the Jump Key 'K'. Basic combos are simple, easy to perform and deal the least amount if damage.

2. Hyper Combos: Basic Combos that end with an SP Skill 'I', W+I, or S+I. Hyper combos are simple, easy to perform, quite flashy due to the SP Skill at the end, and deals slightly more damage than it's Basic Combo counterpart.

3. Advanced Combos: Basic Combos which are extended via Combo Cancel with the use of Quiet Step. This allow for repetition or looping of the Basic Combo multiple times. Advanced Combos are somewhat tricky to perform, and deal massive amounts of damage compared to Basic Combos and Hyper Combos. A handful of Advanced Combos can be repeated/looped indefinitely: these are considered Cheat/Infinite Combos.

4. Cheat/Infinite Combos: Basic or Advanced Combos that can be looped indefinitely. Basically a cheat in combo clothing which will guarantee victory regardless of how much HP the opponent has: finite HP can't hold up to infinite damage. Cheat Combos unlike Basic, Hyper and Advanced Combos can not be performed by every character; however there are some characters who can perform more than one Cheat Combo.


1. Looping Combos or Combo Loops: Combos which can be repeated multiple times. All Cheat Combos, all Advanced Combos, and some Basic Combos fall into this category.

2. Summon Assisted Combos: Combos where you press 'O' to call forth your summons to either end your combo or extend it. I reckon the best summon is Minato.

3. Wall-Only Combos: Combos that can be performed only when your opponent is being pressed against the far end of the stage. A majority of Cheat Combos fall under this category.

4. Platform Exclusive Combos: Combos that can only be performed in a stage with platforms. Usually performed using Advanced Combos.


And that's the introduction to combos in Bleach vs Naruto. Hope you found this interesting. If you have any questions you can find me on social media.
Thanks for reading, and take care.


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