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Bleach vs Naruto Guide to the Quiet Step Command

Quiet Step is the Deus Ex Machina of Bleach vs Naruto. It is performed by pressing "W+L" or "S+L". It causes you to move forward, back, up, or down a short distance while stopping or slowing down time. It is basically Sprint on Physics-defying Alien Steroids.

Quiet Step consumes both SP and Stamina thereby making it the 2nd most costly moves in the game. Tied for 1st place in Transformation, and the S+I SP skill; both of with consume all 3 bars of SP.

Quiet Step allows one to dodge attacks and escape almost all dangerous situations you may find yourself in, but make sure not to spam it because if your Stamina Meter hits zero, you can't:
  - Use Quiet Step,
  - Sprint,
  - Combo Breaker, or even
  - Block.

Basically, if you over use it you will leave yourself vulnerable and unable to either escape or defend yourself. You could say it's a Machete when used sparingly, but a Double Edged Sword when overused.

If an opponent is blocking your attack, use Quiet Step to get behind them and immediately strike. Good thing bidirectional blocking was removed in the version 3.0 revamp of Bleach vs Naruto.

You can perform Combo Cancels using Quiet Step which will extend your combos into what I call " Advanced Combos", and in rare cases, into Cheat/Infinite Combos; thereby allowing you to deal massive amounts of damage.

Its recommended you use Quiet Step immediately after stunning your opponent so you can capitalize on the opening.


And that concludes the introduction and Guide to the Bleach vs Naruto move known as Quiet Step.
Thanks for giving this a read. If you have any questions, you can find me on social media. Thanks again, and take care.


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