The B.E.C. Rule is a guide to surviving any and all dangerous situations in the game. Situations such as:
- When an opponent uses the Substitution Jutsu Combo-Breaker to get behind you.
- When an opponent Teleports to your location.
- When an opponent tries to snipe you with an SP Skill.
- When an opponent dodges your attack and then moves in for the counterattack.
- When an opponent uses Quiet Step to get behind you.
- Etc.
- When an opponent uses the Substitution Jutsu Combo-Breaker to get behind you.
- When an opponent Teleports to your location.
- When an opponent tries to snipe you with an SP Skill.
- When an opponent dodges your attack and then moves in for the counterattack.
- When an opponent uses Quiet Step to get behind you.
- Etc.
These rules will help guide you on the best actions to take in a pinch.
The B.E.C Rule Stands for: Block, Evade & Counter. Let's get started.
1. Block
This is the least effective of the 3 rules. Why so? Because:
- Stamina meter limits how much punishment a character can take while blocking before its Guard breaks.
- Your opponent may also decide to Grapple you instead. Blocking is ineffective against a Grapple.
Despite these weakness, the Block can still be valuable if used wisely:
- Block, then Counter: After blocking a hit or two, carefully time a move of your own to counter. These moves are usually S+J or S+U since they are safer because they are performed while you are holding down Block 'S'.
- Block, then SP Skill: After blocking a hit or two, carefully time a Special Move to counter. S+I is recommended since it is safer because it is performed while you are holding down Block 'S'.
- Block, then Quiet Step: After blocking a hit or two, use Quiet Step S+L to get behind your opponent and then attack.
- Use Summon, then Block: This is most effective when your opponent tries to snipe you with an SP Skill or a regular move. Once you see the attack coming, quickly press 'O' to summon assistance, then immediately press 'S' to block the attack. If your opponent is within range of the character you summoned, they will be attacked and their move interrupted.
You should fall back to blocking if your other two BEC Rule options would be ineffective in a situation. However its best to avoid such a scenario at all costs.
2. Evade
When it comes to evasion in Bleach vs Naruto you have 4 options: Run, Jump, Sprint and Quiet Step.
- Run: Just get out of there! Its not that complicated. Just consider which direction to run.
- Jump: Not as effective as 'Run', but still an option. Probably your last if your other options would not work.
- Sprint: Simply press 'L' and make yourself scarce even while airborne. Be sure not to spam it, for it costs Stamina, and you'll need to conserve that as best you can.
- Quiet Step: Press S+L or W+L to invoke the Bleach vs Naruto Deus Ex Machina at anytime so long as you have enough SP and Stamina. Its the easiest means of escape, but has the highest cost, so don't overuse it if you can help it.
3. Counter
"Not all Bleach vs Naruto Combos are made equal" - JukiCombo. Wise words indeed.
Most moves in the game; especially flashy ones like Teleport Moves and others that take time to perform can (with great timing) be countered by another appropriate move.
Master your character's moves and those of your opponent. Experiment endlessly and discover which of your moves can counter which of your opponent's.
Here are some of your options:
- Counter using an SP Skill ('I', S+I, W+I).
- Counter using any of the 6 Attack 'J' and Skill 'U' moves. Teleportation moves especially.
- Counter by using a Combo Breaker 'O' (Substitution Jutsu) and immediately attack before your opponent can recover.
- Counter by Summoning Assistance. They are great for causing interference and interrupting your opponent's attacks. Great for when you have neither SP or Stamina.
- Counter using an SP Skill ('I', S+I, W+I).
- Counter using any of the 6 Attack 'J' and Skill 'U' moves. Teleportation moves especially.
- Counter by using a Combo Breaker 'O' (Substitution Jutsu) and immediately attack before your opponent can recover.
- Counter by Summoning Assistance. They are great for causing interference and interrupting your opponent's attacks. Great for when you have neither SP or Stamina.
And that concludes the Bleach vs Naruto tip surrounding the BEC Rule!
Thanks for giving this a read. If you have any questions, you can find me on social media. Thanks again, and take care.
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